The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
(Psalm 19:1)
THANKS to the thousands of you who have camped with us over the last 30 years! We have met so many wonderful friends at Sunrise during those three decades. Many of you we saw every year, and a lot of you we had the pleasure of seeing you several times each year.
We have decided to spend the last few remaining years that we have left on this earth at a slower pace; therefore, we will be closing our nightly campsites, and keep only our full-service RV sites open for extended stays of one or more months. WE WILL MISS YOU!
If you are interested in an extended stay site, you may call our grandson Brandon at (980) 616-3334 and reserve a site. Brandon manages the RV Park, and he would be glad to take care of your RV camping needs.
The most important thing that we can leave you is a testimony that we love Jesus and look forward to meeting you in Heaven some day.
May God abundantly bless you is our prayer.
Darvin & Jennifer Oakes
John 3:16

Notice: Extended Stay Only - 30 Day Minimum Stay